The COVID-19 pandemic is a new reality that we all had to adapt to. It revealed human weaknesses, but also the power that lies dormant in our adaptation abilities as humanity. It also showed how much we need to be surrounded by people. 


I won't pretend I've always been brave. It was not easy for me from the very beginning and I felt an overwhelming fear for the lives of my loved ones, students and their families. The daily dose of terrifying facts, the global crisis and the feeling of powerlessness hit me at every step. However, my nature did not allow me to wait any longer and stand still, especially when the schools were closed and the Children were left without lessons and teachers' support. I started to act as quickly as I could.


The group of students who suffered the most during this difficult time, were high school graduates. The last year of high school is an extremely important moment when young people decide about their future. The period of intensive preparations has been seriously shaken. Neither of us knew when and how the final exams would be held. 

In order to at least partially support this youth, I took part in the nationwide project "Korki.tv", under which from Monday to Friday, public lessons for high school students were broadcast on the Metro TV channel. The programs were broadcast for the 4 weeks preceding the final exams and helped the children to prepare.

The project became widely known throughout Poland, and the average audience of the program was estimated at 4.7 thousand viewers. The initiative turned out to be a huge success and several hundred mentions appeared in the press.



I can promote reading anytime and anywhere. Especially when we miss so much the opportunity to meet and talk with inspiring people. 

This project was a promotion of reading during the period of closed schools in the United States. At the invitation of the Global Teacher Prize finalist - Michael Dunlea, I taught children about Poland and read to them “Horton Huts An Egg”.

During this 3-day program, we also "visited" India, South Africa, Ireland, Bangladesh and Hawaii!

It was the first time that I spoke online with my teaching authorities from all over the world. Remote learning changes optics and opens up many new doors and opportunities!


Could the pandemic stop us? The answer is - no, never!

During the pandemic, Warsaw's cultural life came to a standstill. We could not perform in the way we knew before, so we took part in a cultural happening organized by Nowy Świat Muzyki in cooperation with the artist, Tomek Sikora. As part of this initiative, the studnts performed in a tiny space separated from the viewers by… a window!

For 7 weeks, every Saturday and Sunday, we found a way to keep singing! 

Our goal was to stop passers-by for a little while and share a piece of art and good energy!


I often join forces. I think much more good can be achieved in a group!

"All you need is love" (May 2020) and "Earth songs" (April 2021) are the projects of new music albums on which we worked together with the finalist of the Teacher of the Year 2019 competition and my best friend - Father Damian Wyżkiewicz and our students from two schools: Żmichowska and Konopczyński High Schools in Warsaw.

The projects were aimed at building relationships between two schools and promoting slogans of acceptance, tolerance, as well as ecology, solidarity and the fight for human rights. The results of these works were two albums and charity concerts. The income of the concerts was allocated to fighting the effects of the pandemic.

We wanted to promote volunteering in our school communities. The participants had a chance to cooperate with the best sound engineers in Poland, develop their vocal skills, observe the process of creating a professional album and gain new friends fascinated with music.


Th project realized during pandemic with 11 charismatic teachers. Each of us trained in public speaking and storytelling and worked individually on their story with Marek Staczek. 12 inspiring stories promote good practices and lift the spirits of teachers all over Poland. 


From October 2020 to April 2021, in cooperation with the University of Warsaw, I conducted two preparation courses for the final exams in primary and secondary school. The classes were held especially for students from orphanages. For many, it was a real and detailed help before the exams. Local governments in Poland also benefited from these courses.


"Projektor" is a program implemented by the Educational Enterprise Foundation. It is an initiative under which I will soon conduct 4 trainings for students working with children in small towns - on building relationships and integration activities. The aim of the program is to counteract the exclusion of children and adolescents from smaller towns all over Poland by actively developing their passions and talents. Importantly, the volunteers in "Projektor" are students from various universities in Poland.


During the pandemic, I conducted a series of 4 webinars for high school graduates, for one of the largest educational publishers in Poland - Nowa Era.

I also talked about the building of relationships in the classroom. "Szkoła na opak" is a project of the Polish pedagogical publishing house - Operon.
