• Od 25 lat zajmuję się nauczaniem. Jestem nauczycielką z absolutnego zamiłowania. Swoją pracę lubię nazywać hodowaniem skrzydeł, pomagając młodym ludziom w rozwoju ich pasji!

  • I like challenges! I am full of ideas, but also open to new directions of development. Do you have an idea of what we can do together for the world? Just write to me and together we will change it for the better!

--- Word of introduction ---

I am an English and German Teacher.

Every day I try to improve my workshop through specific activities. First of all, through everyday work with students, based on authentic materials, so that my lessons are interesting, but also provide content that will be useful to students not only during tests, but above all - in life.

We work together so that they have open doors to all universities in the world, where they can make their dreams come true! 

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world".

- Nelson Mandela

--- WHAT'S UP? ---

--- Spreading our wings ---

Hodowla skrzydeł

The wing farm

How do I work with my students? There is a reason I like to call my studio "The wing farm". Each of my students is unique. I want the "final product" of the school to be a sensitive, well-read, open and respectful person, who is not only thinking about the goal, but apart from all, appreciating the path that is needed to gain knowledge.
Szkoła ponad chmurami

The shool above the clouds

The School Above the Clouds is a dream school that ensures the sustainable development of every young person. It is a place that not only prepares you to take exams, but also supports the development of passion and talents. I believe that schools should just make these dreams come true!
Żmichowska śpiewa

Żmichowska sings

If I were asked about the project closest to my heart, which was co-created from scratch with my students, I would undoubtedly say - Żmichowska Sings! It is a project that not only developed me as a teacher, but above all - as a human being!
Nauka podczas COVID

Teaching in COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic is a new reality that we all had to adapt to. It revealed human weaknesses, but also the power that lies dormant in our adaptation abilities as humanity. It also showed how much we need to be surrounded by people. 
Keating w spódnicy

Keating in a skirt

Probably the biggest award for me, was to hear my student saying that I was his "Keating in a skirt". And although such comparisons intimidate me, I think that John Keating and I actually have something in common. This common thing is the love for teaching.
Aktywność społeczna

Social activity

In my work, many times I have been involved in social projects and charity. With my students, we know that nothing is impossible and we prove every day how much can be done for other people.


In my life, both private and professional, I have always put the most emphasis on interpersonal relationships. I think that man is by nature a truly social being and needs people around him. For as long as I can remember, I have been following the principle of "strength in numbers" because in this way we can gain more and achieve better results.

My job is about continuous learning, I still draw inspiration from cooperation with outstanding educators. Therefore, you can often meet me at conferences and congresses or hear me in the media.

Publikacje i media

Publications and media

I regularly speak publically. I am invited to radio and television stations and give interviews to the press. I am very happy that the projects I lead are so successful and therefore are spread further into the world!
Stowarzyszenia i konferencje

Associations and conferences

Meetings, relationships and establishing interpersonal contacts are crucial for me not only at work, but above all, in my private life. New, inspiring people are an ignition spark for me to create.


My greatest successes are the successes of my pupils, because behind each student stands a teacher, who is curious, open and passionate. All the awards I have received are the result of our hard work.


Average from the English exams on basic level
0 %
Average from the English exams on extended level
0 %
Students with diplomas from foreign universities

--- MY PRIDE ---


--- LET'S MEET! ---
