Nomination for the Irena Sendler Award

Nominacja do Nagrody im. Ireny Sendlerowej

Nomination for the Irena Sendler Award

It was an absolutely exceptional evening. Surrounded by amazing and wonderfully warm-hearted people, I had the privilege of being nominated for the Irena Sendler Award 'For Repairing the World.' For me, it's more than just an accolade – it's a true honor.

I warmly thank the Center for Civic Education for recognizing the work of teachers like myself in such a special and thoughtful way. To be a part of that gala, to have the opportunity to watch a performance about the incredible life of Irena Sendler, and above all, to meet so many wonderful teachers who give their all every day to make this world a better place – that was an invaluable experience. Each of us does important work, often for those who are weaker and more in need.

I couldn't overlook my Students, who surprised me with their nomination. Thank you for these beautiful words and for appreciating what we create together in our unique school of free people. I would like to dedicate this extraordinary distinction to my Grandparents: Stefania and Kazimierz. It was from them that I learned to see the good in people. Their teachings, such as honesty, respect, humility, and the desire for true encounters, are what I strive to pass on to my students. I want each of them to feel important and valued.

I also cannot fail to mention the awardee – Jakub Tylman. Congratulations, Jakub! Your work and dedication are an inspiration to us all. For over 16 years, the Irena Sendler Award has been recognizing teachers who, with their passion and dedication, influence the development of their students, awakening empathy, sensitivity, and the desire to act in them. Being part of this exceptional group is a true honor. Thank you.

Uncovering the Power of Speech: My TEDx Journey

Odkrywając Moc Słowa: Moja Podróż z TEDx

Uncovering the Power of Speech: My TEDx Journey

The past few months have brought a lot of reflection, challenges, but above all, incredible experiences. One of the most memorable moments of 2022 was my appearance at TEDxWarsawWomen.

I have been a teacher for 25 years. I teach English and German, and my passion goes beyond traditional teaching methods. My original projects – 'Żmichowska Śpiewa' and 'Łazik Teatralny' – are proof of this. This hard work and commitment to what I do have been recognized on an international stage – I have been listed among the 50 most dedicated teachers in the world! I'd like to share with you my impressions, feelings, and thoughts that accompanied me during this unforgettable experience. I hope that through this, you'll be able to feel even a bit of the magic that was in the air that day!

During TEDxWarsawWomen, I had the opportunity to share with the audience a story titled “The Lady Will Find a Way: The Project That Changed My Life.” I spoke about a project that I've been implementing for 8 years at the 15th Narcyza Żmichowska High School in Warsaw. This project taught me that even in the face of the greatest challenges, there's always a way to overcome adversity and inspire others.
I also had the pleasure of speaking on the red dot not only during TEDxWarsawWomen but also at Tedx Put at the Poznan University of Technology. Both of these presentations brought a flood of emotions, and the feedback from the audience was incredibly valuable.

During my recent TEDx talk, I set a challenge for myself – to overcome fear and discuss what a true teacher means to me. Quoting Nelson Mandela, "A brave man is not one who doesn't feel afraid, but one who conquers that fear." In my speech titled "A Teacher, Defined", I shared my thoughts on the role of teachers in today's world, about the importance of the relationship with students, and that no technology can replace genuine human interaction. Because in these unpredictable times, it's worth seeking the algorithm of humanity every day.

I wouldn't be myself if I didn't thank those who supported me during this event. Dawid Łasiński, known as the "yellow educator", delivered a wonderful speech right before mine, which gave me an extra boost of courage. And after my presentation, Maciej Danieluk surprised me with his culinary skills, for which I am immensely grateful.

Head to the course!

Leć na kurs!

Fly me to the course!

2021 was full of the number of courses in which I had the honor to participate. I really like working on a larger scale, and I know that thanks to the courses, I can provide access to knowledge not only for my students, but also for people with limited access possibilities.


"Projektor" is a program implemented by the Educational Enterprise Foundation. As part of its implementation, I recorded a course consisting of 6 modules to help students working with children from small towns in their profession. The course contains information about methods of working with children, group integration, but also tips on recognizing fake news and knowledge about disinformation.

I conduct regular training for the project. I feel that this is an extremely valuable and much needed program at the moment. Especially that after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, students will focus on the integration of refugee children in Polish schools.


In 2021, 16 courses were created for the Edicon program that I wrote during the pandemic. It's a material that develops vocabulary and understanding for students of vocational schools. I also wrote a course that helps to prepare for jobs in the office and for customer service. This was a summary of over a year of work on this matter. 

New wings!

Nowe skrzydła!

New wings!

The thought that education gives my students wings and that the school is their great breeding, always uplifts me.

After returning from COVID-19 isolation, we all created huge wings together. We involved all students and teachers. Art therapy is beautiful.
